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Baiyun Longgui 106 National Road YLKS "36D" aircraft sister super cool (with JS number)

Location: Yali Kesi
Address: Next to National Highway 106
Consumption: 198

LY near Jiahe Longgui should know this field. This field has been open for many years. It turns out that the aircraft is mainly +BT, and the QT and QT technicians are poor.

After the Chinese New Year this year, the venue was refurbished, and now the main QT, QT technicians, and FJ technicians are poor.

It is recommended that LY who is going now should not choose FJ, and the technician is old and ugly. Fortunately, I was more familiar with the field. At the end of July, I was full of friends with my friends. Because of the exhaustion of the continuous cannons, my friends chose QT. BL considered to choose the 198FJ for the body. The general arrangement of beauty, deliberately asked him to be big, and promised to ensure the satisfaction of the brothers.

Half-boiled and came to the room, the light of YLKS was darker. After a while, the technician came, the massage process was not shown, because I was a little drunk and too lazy to get up and down my hand, to the oil FJ part, BL asked the technician to take off the bra and pull up the shirt, this was a big surprise, my God, absolutely cow, small DD suddenly Congestive, BL couldn't help but knead his hands, JS laughed and said lightly. There are so many BLs, and there is a mile in the middle of a trip.

When asked about its size, JS said 36D. Ask the JS number and answer 260.

As for the age, the lighting is too dark, but not more than 24 years old.

Total consumption 208 (198+10)