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6 meal medicine a bottle of cough medicine 43 yuan, I wonder what this is used for

7 pieces of a meal where to find, two and two to 9 ┎ 〇 GP to the hospital to use large bags, is a whole box, starting price of the bar number, the clinic opened in bulk ┎ 〇 GP syrup at the moment is only sponsored, a little cough to drink syrup is still useful. ┎○ I wanted to buy a bottle of cough syrup (pinellia cough syrup) in a drugstore called G medicine 40 yuan a bottle, see expensive I did not buy. Legend legend rumor Mid-Autumn Festival here there is a big deal, just treat it! ┎○ I do not have any historical and cultural heritage, life fight hard to engage, are taxpayers' money ah, spend on the people's livelihood owe good ┎○ There have not been a few years to where, the income and expenditure convenient intersection blocked, engage in this?? ┎○ The infiltration of pavilions on this slope is able to block the road. ┎○ Chinese Sichuan Bei clear lung syrup online only sell five or six yuan, in reality 6 meal pills with syrup, the cost is less than ten yuan, ask the consultation fee fifteen, I calculate your expensive. You can't be short-sighted. Would rather rather block the road to build a pavilion, it should be very important halfway. Dad, a. ┐ ┎ ┎.through ┐ for shelter from the rain will soon have a story out ┎.through ┐ seems not a latrine, a. ┐ ┎ can have what business does ┎.through ┐ very much looking forward to oh, a. ┐ ┎ National Day have any business deals are ┎.through ┐ also feel the old man happy hobby ┎ ┐ return card is a virtue ┎ ┐ losing face ~ as if to say, a latrine ┎.through ┐ for a few years haven't been to where, the balance of payments convenient road blocked, make this??????? ┎ 〇 GP benefits of ┎ 〇 GP see big white, really not the latrine ┎ 〇 GP National Day activities ┎ 〇 GP back are to people's convenience, you put a long double eyes ┎ 〇 GP blue drop on the public toilet, a help the old will be used to a drop oh urine? ┎ 〇 money is a lot of random ┎ 〇 road are occupied, the city planning problems. Referring to the trend of expressway traffic flow in the past three years, it is estimated that there are three periods of large traffic flow ↓ On September 29, Nanning East Station, Anji Station and other toll station entrance traffic will increase from September 30 to October 4, the number of short-distance self-driving visitors in the area will increase. Yangshuo Gaotian Station, Qinzhou West Station, Hepu Station, Fangchenggang Station and other toll station traffic flow is larger October 5 - October 6 vehicles into Nanning City, of which Nanning East Station, Anji, Anji East toll station export traffic will increase.

Is it expensive? 6 meal medicine 43 yuan ┎ 〇 What medicine to return half of ┎ 〇 〇 Really a few drugs is enough, who syrup to drink a box of no use ┎ 〇 ┎ 〇 〇 pharmacy or clinic? ┎ 〇 GP is cheap, last time I went to a hospital, the doctor is to listen to the chest does not prescribe medicine does not inject does not do any treatment, also want 27 ┎ 〇 GP is very cheap ┎ 〇 6 meals?? You earned ┎ 〇 GP expensive wool ┎ 〇 GP do not eat all proprietary Chinese medicine, only eat western medicine tablets, the end is the same ┎ 〇 GP estimated is Pu Ermin, the main office is an itchy throat ┎ 〇 GP black is licorice tablet, At the moment, there is no glycyrice tablets sold cheap ┎ 〇 no expensive ┎ 〇 GP ┎ 〇 GP to the clinic hanging water will be more than one hundred ┎ 〇 GP to do a CT consultation fee spent 20┎ 〇 GP differences ┎ 〇 Western medicine is fair, you go to see the Chinese medicine try not, there are not hundreds out of the door. ┎ 〇 doctor you know you say ┎ 〇 mou on this land, say a few historical figures, historical allusions out ┎ 〇 built this shochu drink I believe! Cultural heritage is that you have someone else is not, Su Dongpo hometown is called cultural heritage, stiff, people have come here fishing or live here ┎○ you must not be a toilet? ┎○ There is the ability to visit Yulin, people forcibly put colorful countryside out of ┎○ She looks like a latrine far, close look is a latrine, come out to see the hall Dongpo. I went to other pharmacies. Oh, my God! It's only 8.8 yuan here. During the travel period of Cenling, G72 Quannan Expressway Narong Interworking to the section of Conghui Affairs District, Xingliu Interworking and Liuqin Interworking section easily produce slow traffic and congestion, Nanning to Yulin, Wuzhou target policy vehicles, you can choose to return from Nanning Yongning District Pu Miao Town G324 National Highway to Luancheng toll station on the highway, after the process of G80 GuangKunming expressway to Yulin, Guangzhou and other policy places. The pavilion did not completely block the road to the embankment, but built two stairs on both sides of the pavilion for pedestrians to go up and down. Origin: Guangxi news channel ┎ 〇 September 29 Nanning East station, Anji station and other toll station entrance traffic will increase ┎ 〇 October 5 - October 6 important vehicles into Nanning city, of which Nanning East station, Anji, Anji East toll station export traffic will increase ┎ 〇 mou prepared for the holiday ┎ 〇 compared with the same period in 2022 growth of 58.57%

During the holiday, some new energy owners will also choose to drive themselves, and the reporter noted that as of the end of July 2023, a total of 462 charging stations have been built in the region's highway service area, and a total of 3228 charging piles have been built.
The intersection on the embankment of the second road has been closed for more than two years, and a building named Dongpoting has been built at this intersection this year. You can snicker if you don't want $100 or $200

Today, the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday expressway free time is: September 29, 0:00 - October 6, 24:00 traffic control part estimated that the traffic flow will flash three Cen Ling Autonomous Region traffic control part outlook, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day era Guangxi expressway average daily traffic flow is estimated to be 380.02 million vehicles, an increase of 58.57% over the same period in 2022. Urban construction ah, illegal construction quickly go to demolition ┎○ GP also has ┎○ GP toilet? You know the hammer, as long as this place isn't built on a wasteland after liberation, it has cultural heritage. Nanning to Liuzhou, Guilin target policy vehicles can choose S31 Sannan highway (New Liunan Highway) to return to the policy