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Dong Xiao SN, ten numbers in the post, five young, FJ160QT380 king of cost!

Venue: Dongxiao Sauna
Address: Dongxiao Road, check Baidu
Consumption: 160/200/380

Nothing, take Dongxiao SN resources to exchange and provide the following ten numbers for trial use. I am happy, I think it is not bad, 99 55 131 12

20 21 128 80 99 88

Said young 9998552


Old field, the environment is simple, there is basically no food, FJ cost-effective

Others ask the minister, I wish you good luck, this is the best choice when balancing costs, do not use RYT to compare, RYT can not be regarded as a standard sauna, even showers are troublesome, even a younger brother!